Running for my life

The past week has been intensely busy for me and as a result I have fallen off the wagon eating-wise for the past few days. Yesterday in particular was out of control, and culminated in a chocolate binge last night. It was a clear reminder for me that my issues with food won’t just disappear. I am food addict and use it as an emotional buffer: this is an issue that I will need to be aware of and deal with my whole life.

So I was feeling quite annoyed at myself today and was trying to pull things back together again. I knew that I needed to go for a run, but decided that I wasn’t up to it and would just skip this one. However, later in the evening I got home and logged onto wordpress to read some of the latest posts of the blogs that I follow. Within ten minutes I was feeling motivated and upbeat again and half an hour later I was in my running gear heading out the door. Thank you blogging community for giving me the kick up the arse that I needed today. I am so inspired by your weight loss and exercise journeys and your posts motivate me to keep going.

However, by the time I set out it was about 8pm and raining quite hard. I’ve always loved running in the rain – I find it really liberating: it makes you feel alive. I was also excited to try out my new app ‘Zombies, Run!’

zombies 2

Basically you can choose a playlist of your music and in between the songs you’re in a story about being chased by zombies.  It starts with your plane being shot down and then you have a radio operator communicating with you and narrating what’s happening. It was quite amusing and definitely made me run faster. When someone is shouting at you ‘the ZOMBIES are coming! Run! RUN!’ it instills genuine fear, especially as there are zombie sound effects.

As you go along you ‘pick up’ items, which will apparently be useful in later levels. I am excited to use it again and see what happens next time.

To make it more sinister however, it got really dark and began to rain harder as I was running round Queen’s Park. Then the thunder and lightning started. They were really close to each other, which I know means that the storm was really close by. I was in a densely wooded area, which I knew was a bad idea, so I genuinely got a bit scared and turned for home. Although I wasn’t out for as long as I should have been I jogged continuously to get home quicker (instead of interspersing walking and running) and my speed was faster than usual, so I felt like it was a decent workout. It was a really good jog in general as I had a lot of energy and the zombie app kept me amused. Afterwards I felt really good that I’d got the run done, and had the happy feeling of lots of endorphins zipping their way around my body.

I know that running keeps me motivated to control my diet. I need to prioritise it and keep looking for ways to keep it fun. Any suggestions would be appreciated 🙂
